Business in Bluefield

We want to see your business grow, which in turn helps the city grow. Did you know that studies have shown that 70-80% of jobs that come to our area will be through the expansion of existing businesses. With this in mind, we want to partner with our existing businesses and market their goods and services. Consider this, what if 20% of the businesses in the city create one new job next year? That would be tremendous growth for Bluefield! We want to develop a stronger web presence for the City of Bluefield. Someone once told me that if we do not tell our story, someone else will and we will not like how they tell it. There are many great things in Bluefield and we want to actively promote what we have. Your business is one of those great things. We are in this together. If I can be of service, please do not hesitate to contact me.

- Jim Spencer, Community and Economic Development Director